luni, 25 octombrie 2010

Pucioasa/Dambovita County/Romania

Smelly resort is an interesting starting point for visiting many major tourist attractions, as are the old citadel of Targoviste, Prahova Valley, Brasov, Bran, etc.


Smelly city is located in a trough on the upper course of Ialomita river, hills in the Carpathian region, comprised between the river Subcarpathians subunit Prahova Dambovita River, about 350 m above sea level over a distance of 8.750 kilometers in length (de- along the Ialomita river valley) and a width of 7.375 km (between Smelly-Sat and shores

Localitatea este amplasată la 250 26’ 22’’ longitudine estică şi 450 05’ 07’’ latitudine nordică, în partea de nord a judeţului Dâmboviţa, la 81 km de limita sudică şi 42 km de cea nordică a acestuia. Se învecinează cu oraşul Fieni şi comunele: Moţăeni, Brăneşti, Vulcana Băi, Vulcana Pandele, Glodeni Deal şi Vîrfuri. Localitatea este amplasată la circa 100 km de trei mari oraşe ale ţării: Bucureşti (unde se află cel mai apropiat aeroport), Braşov şi Piteşti.


abarticulare degenerative rheumatic diseases, inflammatory, post-traumatic and postoperative musculoskeletal;
Respiratory disease;
ENT disease;
dermatological diseases.
Also, here are treated with a good nutritional diseases, metabolic disorders and specific occupational diseases.

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