miercuri, 27 octombrie 2010

Ocna Sibiului/ Romania

Resort Ocna Sibiu, Transylvania coast called, is situated at an altitude of 400 m above sea level in the north-west of Sibiu Depression, 15 km from Sibiu. The area falls within the temperate continental climate of the plateau with some hills and local nuances (winter temperature inversions, calm atmosphere, strong insolation) climatic features have an important role in preventing and treating diseases.


Ocna Sibiu was first mentioned documentary in 1263 although the area is inhabited since the time of the Dacians.The transformation of the mines in pools of water and saline was continuously inevitable. The mines were abandoned in turn, despite the sustained efforts of the miners, rainwater and groundwater, having prevailed in the end.While under the influence of climatic factors, the walls became an imminent collapse, turning into salt lakes today, the main attraction of the resort.

The healing properties of water are mentioned for the first time in 1598 when Ambassador Emperor Rudolf II discovered the therapeutic effect of the lakes, when arrives here on his way to Constantinople to take baths.In 1820, Samuel Pataky doctor, do an analysis of the water chemically, thus showing, scientifically, the healing power of water due to the various existing therapeutic elements. At Ocna Sibiu are treated with great results, musculoskeletal diseases, chronic degenerative rheumatism, arthritis and preartrozele, spondylosis and various gynecological

Elementul hidrologic este bogat reprezentat prin salba de lacuri ce însumează o suprafaţa hidrologică de 35.700 metri pătraţi şi un volum de 265.700 metri cubi. Cele mai importante lacuri sunt: „Lacul fara fund", declarat monument al naturii, cu cel mai puternic fenomen de heliotermie, „Lacul Ocna pustie" care are 160 m adâncime fiind cel mai adânc lac antroposalin din România si „Lacul Brâncoveanu”, lacul cu cea mai mare salinitate din statiune,(310 g/l salinitate).

The Spa Complex Ocna Sibiu is now fully restored, following an intensive process of restoring the original architectural line closely followed the Viennese architects (only central pavilion was demolished due to advanced state of degradation reached such longer be restored).

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